Latino Pride

Meet the officers

Meet our Advisor

Meet the Members

Fire Relief Effort

Photograph Page

2001-02 Activities


The National Conversation

Guest Book

About Webmaster

My name is Luis Santos.

I was born in Bayamon, Puerto Rico- and raised in Corozal. I'm currently living in the United States since 1996- It hasn't been quite easy in learning the language but little by little it has been improving- My idea of creating this little site for the group is to spread the words to other nacionalities and other Latinos that we can do what ever that need to be done- I'm in the status of graduating from High School and I will be leaving proudly for all I have done for my fellow members,school and community. I was also part of our school National Spanish Society and SEAL.I held the title of Executive Officer in Latino Pride during my sophomore year. In my junior year of high school the honor was bestowed upon me to become President of this club.This year I'm a senior and hold the title of Executive Officer.

Community Service
Latino Pride opened my eyes to a new world of leadership. As I pursued my goals I found myself in contact with the 4-H club. The four H`s, which stand for head, heart, hands and health, showed me a whole new outlook on the world. Through this world I have had the privilege to meet many influential persons throughout the state of Pennsylvania. Recently, I attended the state-wide Youth Conversations held at Penn State University. Here I met with youth leaders throughout the state to discuss how we, as youth leaders, can make our voices heard amidst the white collared world that we are a part of. This gave me the opportunity to share my views about how we can break down the stereotypes that surround the teenagers of today with our ever-dubious nickname `Generation X'. It was great to be able to meet peers with many of the same goals that I have and share with them my thoughts and ideas. From February 27 through March 02 I attended the National conversations with Youth held in Washington, DC. There I was able to share my ideas with youth from all over the country. It will be a great opportunity to be able to learn from these people that I am proud to call my peers.